201 Bishop Hall, University, MS



1123 POSTS

Sheriff’s deputy

Sheriff's deputy wounded, suspect dead after standoff

Star reveals

Y&R star reveals his summer plans, favorite vacation

Lifestyle News

Lifestyle section  entitled, sometimes, Life & Style covers a variety of topics, included section: Fashion | Food | Health

Reendex Ones to Watch

The world has overtaken it, said the DJ once known on Radio. Reendex Ones to Watch shines a spotlight on the up-and-coming creative talents set to be the next big names in culture and the arts. What this generation's watching? But the Reendex's decision to axe it has generated barely a whimper of outcry. What this generation's watching?

The newest software, gadgets & web services.

Instead of reinventing the wheel with every new project, developers can use existing companies’ web services to create feature-rich applications. Incorporating web services into new...

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You want to make your own web show? Well why not do it?

It's super easy and super fun but there are a lot of steps one must do to create his/her own web show. Have a...

Follow up from the press conference

Holding a press conference is a simple, effective way to communicate your message with the media. Holding a press conference is a simple, effective...