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Get the latest Celebrity News with exclusive stories and pictures

Get the latest Celebrity News and hot celeb gossip with exclusive stories and pictures.
With photos, exclusive interviews, film and TV reviews and spoilers.
Breaking up, making up or just popping to the shops – whatever the celebrities are doing, you’ll find all the news, pictures and videos here.

Ecuadorian Amazon


The Amazon is the world’s largest and densest rainforest with more diverse plants and animals than any other ecosystem in the world.

A Community Collaborates for Health


A community health assessment, also known as community health needs assessment, refers to a state, tribal, local, or territorial health assessment that identifies key health needs and issues through systematic, comprehensive data collection and analysis.

Middle East News Live


The Middle East] is a transcontinental region centered on Western Asia and Egypt in North Africa.
The corresponding adjective is Middle-Eastern and the derived noun is Middle-Easterner.

Food & Nutrition | Healthy Dinner Recipes


Nutrition is the science that interprets the interaction of nutrients and other substances in food in relation to maintenance, growth, reproduction, health and disease of an organism.
It includes food intake, absorption, assimilation, biosynthesis, catabolism

This Phone case turns phoneinto a portable Espresso Machine


In desperate need of caffeine, but there is no coffee store around? No worries, Mokase, a smartphone case, can now turn your phone into a portable espresso machine, allowing you to enjoy a freshly brewed cup virtually anywhere.

This amazing art video will blow my mind


This amazing art video will blow your mind. Seriously this is some of the most amazing art I have ever seen. Performing Arts in which Artists use their Voices or Bodies.

Biofield therapies

1.Biofield therapies are intended to affect energy fields that purportedly surround. Some forms of energy therapy manipulate biofields by applying pressure and/or manipulating the body
2.Bioelectromagnetic-based therapies involve the unconventional use of electromagnetic fields

In a Health Home – Care Coordinator

Health Home care is supportive care provided in the home and may be provided by licensed healthcare professionals who provide medical treatment needs or by professional caregivers who provide daily assistance to ensure the activities of daily living