How to cope when your daughter is cooler than you were at the same age
Watching my seven-year-old daughter chat over “coffee” (read: babyccino) with her friends recently, I couldn’t help but be struck by the differences between their lives…
Family & Friends
A positive lifestyle can bring you happiness
Life style generally means a pattern of individuals practice and personal behavior choice A positive lifestyle can brings you happiness while a negative life can lead to sadness illness and depression. But sometimes the term modernization is not correctly understood and refers simply to the acceptance of modern tools and equipment and to becoming westernized in dress pattern and over behavior.
That future is fast becoming a reality
Flying robots patrolled the skies while land-based vehicles with minds of their own trundled along on the ground below.
But thankfully, these drones could soon be an indispensable component of our lives…
The internet is bigger, isn’t it?
The majority of industrial systems don’t even have the capacity to allow setting a password. I never imagined a nuclear plant’s control system being onlin
Mobile and Phones News
Fling Your Dog a Treat Remotely From Your Smartphone With the Furbo. A new interactive dog camera that allows you to communicate and share.
Whether you are on the go, in your office or at home, new technology gadgets can introduce great time-saving advantages into your day.
Best News Gadgets 2018
Latest Technology news and update online daily on NDTV Get latest news and updates on technology today, reviews and tips on new and best mobiles, tablets, PC, camera, video games, internet and other technology updates on gadgets from India and around the world.
Entertainment Industry
The media and entertainment industry consists of many different segments under its folds such as television, print, and films
Spectacular and understandable stories.
Take an exciting adventure as it reports captivating developments in science, medicine, technology, and the world around us.
On complex subjects connect everyday people with the greatest ideas and minds in science.
Empowering people – Solutions
The people aims to identify and foster innovative technology that endeavors to solve problems in basic supply around the globe.
Take a look at some of the most promising innovations on our Solutions Database below.
Scientists’ lifestyle Issues related to the every day life of scientists when they are not working
Science questions are a fun and interesting way to learn about planet Earth, organisms and the universe. In this section you’ll find an incredible collection of science questions covering a wide variety of topics.