201 Bishop Hall, University, MS


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Towards 2020 News

B Basketball Confirms GB under-20 Teams will compete this year. Tokyo 2020 is also an objective for the future.

NBA Basketball Analytics

Statisticians, developers and engineers will take part in the first ever BNA Basketball Analytics. Teams will build basketball analytics tools and develop solutions to challenging.

Premier Basketball is a basketball tournament

The mixture of running, jumping, pivoting and twisting helps improve balance in basketball. All you need is a ball and hoop and there are thousands of outdoor courts.

What is Basketball?

Baketball build endurance an is an excellent way to develop communication skills. It is also an excellent way to boost co-ordination and balance through dribbling.

Get Inspired: How to get into Basketball

During the first decades of the 20th century, basketball became the ideal interscholastic sport. Basketball is a limited contact sport played on a rectangular...

Basketball draws a huge following around the world

Sports includes all forms of competitive physical activity or games which through casual or organised participation, aim to use, maintain or improve physical ability...