201 Bishop Hall, University, MS


See our latest stories

written by our lovely staff members

Emergencies for Children

A true emergency is when you believe a severe injury or illness is threatening your child's life... A true emergency is when you believe...

Safety & Prevention

Today, most children lead much healthier lives and parents live with much less anxiety and worry over infections during childhood. Immunizations are one of...

Vaccine for Children

Many of the infectious illnesses you or your parents had as children, from chickenpox to polio to measles... Many of the infectious illnesses you...

Young Adult

A young adult who goes away to a college or a job far from home has to build a social support system from the...


Adolescence can be a challenge for parents. Your youngster may at times be a source of frustration and exasperation But these years also bring many,...


Gradeschool - Your child should feel confident in her ability to meet the challenges in her life.This sense of personal power evolves from having...

Preschool Kids

Child has now become a dynamo of energy, drive, bossiness, belligerence... Your child is advancing from infancy toward and into the preschool years.

Baby & Toddler

Your child is advancing from infancy toward and into the preschool years. His physical growth and motor development will slow, but you can to see...