201 Bishop Hall, University, MS


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To save energy, you should turn off unneeded incandescent and halogen lights

To save energy, you should always turn off unneeded incandescent and halogen lights. Only 10 percent of the energy they use goes toward light;...

Global surface temperatures and Arctic sea ice extent

Two key climate change indicators global surface temperatures and Arctic sea ice extent

Key Points Solutions

Energy Innovations - With the future in doubt and the government committed to assist business... Mitigation & Adaption - Gouvernement Resources - Earth Right Now

Things about Earth

Earth is not flat, but it's not perfectly round. There weren't always several continents. The length of Earth's day is increasing. The length of...

Interesting about Water

Water's properties and abundance made life possible on Earth. Because of this, astrobiologists think our best bet for finding life on other planets is...