201 Bishop Hall, University, MS


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The Number One source featuring the gossip from the theatre and performing arts industry

Art in which the concept involved in the work that takes precedence over traditional aesthetic and material concerns. Art leads to transformation. Entertainment gives...


The music In the decidedly un-rock n’ roll , DJs and producers from the world of electronic music.The music In the decidedly un-rock n’...

The music In the decidedly un-rock n’ roll

The music In the decidedly un-rock n’ roll , DJs and producers from the world of electronic music.

A new opera draws together every live performance by the cult punk band

Random drum beats, guitar noodling, rants about gig etiquette: a new opera draws together every live performance by the cult punk band – not...

Opera In 3D for New Generation

Writer David Mitchell has written an opera that uses the latest in technology to appeal to a new set of fans. Writer David Mitchell...

Free Concert for Children

Kids are invited to meet the flute, viola and harp. Short selections celebrate Earth and Air--two of the Four Elements of Nature, with music

Opera Singer iFan Festival

The tenor says he is "thrilled" to be able to bring classical music to a festival normally known for its pop and rock acts.

Ballet Hopes to New Generation

Writer David Mitchell has written an opera that uses the latest in technology to appeal to a new set of fans. Writer David Mitchell has written an opera that uses the latest in technology to appeal to a new set of fans.