201 Bishop Hall, University, MS


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Hull must add more players

The Tigers have defied the odds and expectations in their opening two Premier League games, recording successive wins against champions... The Tigers would need a miracle to survive the drop this season

American Football Cheerleading

Cheerleading ranges from chanting, to intense physical activity for sports team motivation, audience entertainment, or competition based upon organized routines. Competitive routines typically range...

Soccer or Football

Football or soccer, is the  most popular sport. The game is played on a rectangular field with a goal at each end. The object...

Get Inspired: How to get into Soccer

Get Inspired: How to get into Soccer The history of soccer is rich with events, and its growing craze all over the world

What is the “Hut Hut” sound?

It's a signal to the other players to hike the ball (start play). Probably a short form of "ten hut" meaning "attention", used by the military.

Steve G. Reendex Sports Anchor

In addition to sports reporting, Steve has done play-by-play for League Baseball. A news anchor for the Reendex and was a longtime sports anchor...

Randy K. Reendex Sport Cameraman

Randy knew he was destined for a sports career OFF the court while he became the 13th man on... A news anchor for the Reendex...

Gary M Sport Reporter

Prior to joining, M. spent 15 years as an anchor, reporter. In addition he hosted nightly half-hour interview series... A news anchor for the Reendex...