201 Bishop Hall, University, MS


Tag: Business

The newest software, gadgets & web services.

Instead of reinventing the wheel with every new project, developers can use existing companies’ web services to create feature-rich applications. Incorporating web services into new...

British steelworkers

In the strictest sense, the business process expert role should be technology-agnostic, never promoting technology for its own sake or favoring one form over...

Reendex Ones to Watch shines a spotlight

Reendex Ones to Watch shines a spotlight on the up-and-coming creative talents set to be the next big names. Parts of Reendex coverage beyond the daily news are produced as Special Reports, which attract sponsors...

Listen to 24h/7 Radio on reendex radio.net

You can find an extensive selection of internet radio stations and live streams from the whole world.

Alternative Medicine

Health education, in which health-related storylines are incorporated into popular TV sitcoms, dramas or soap operas, is distinct from the use of public service...

Space – Time capsule galaxy

Astronomers have discovered a galaxy that seems to have stayed relatively unchanged since forming shortly after the big bang. Studying this time capsule will...

With SkinTrack, your arm is the touchpad

SkinTrack, a research project from Carnegie Mellon University, lets you use your arm as a touch pad for a smart watch. Wearable gadgets like...

Home construction is for constructing a home

Home construction is the process of constructing a home. Beginning with simple pre-historic shelters, home construction techniques have evolved to produce the vast multitude...