201 Bishop Hall, University, MS


Tag: Health News

Healthy Living Tips

A Health Home is not a building or a place. It is a program that helps you to manage all the care and services...

Find the Health Home

A Health Home is not a building or a place. It is a program that helps you to manage all the care and services...

Health – Microbiomania

Microbiome research,  is incredibly interesting, important, and play roles in all sorts of aspects of the planet including many aspects of the biology of...

Life – Synthetic wine

Life – Synthetic wine made without grapes claims is really good as the real? It’s a miracle! Synthetic wine made from water but NO...

A way to strip the colors and and chemicals

There are two different ways to attack a dye, chemically, to remove its color. One is by oxidation, in which electrons are removed, while...

Health Home Care

With our specially adapted medical rucksack we offer to doctors in developing countries a completely new type of device, which will - by the...

Food/Agriculture high quality

The desert greenhouse is great innovation to turn the waste sandy land into arable land to plant vegetables, fruits, increase the area of arable...

Food & Nutrition | Healthy Dinner Recipes | Healthy Desserts

Nutrition is the science that interprets the interaction of nutrients and other substances in food in relation to maintenance, growth, reproduction, health and disease...