201 Bishop Hall, University, MS


Tag: Primetime News

Breaking news, interchangeably termed latebreaking news is a special report or special coverage or news bulletin

It could be a story that is simply of wide interest to viewers and has little impact otherwise. Many times, breaking news is used after the news organization has already reported on the story.

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3 Years After Man’s Death

A $20,000 reward was being renewed for information. Mother hopes renewed reward will help find her son’s killer.

Dallas police

Dallas police officers killed by sniper fire during protest.

Cops across

Cops across US on high alert after threats

Homeland Security

Homeland Security secretary says Dallas gunman acted alone

Suspect shooting

Suspect shooting spree allegedly angered by African-American deaths

Cop reacted

An attorney for a suburban Minneapolis police officer who killed a black motorist says the officer reacted to the man’s gun, not his race.

Dallas sniper

Dallas sniper reportedly was readying larger attack. The Police Department is dedicated to serving the people of Dallas and strives to reduce crime and provide...