201 Bishop Hall, University, MS


Tag: Reendex Store

The award winning Web Show features special guests

The award winning Web Show features special guests and topics like web publishing, art direction, content strategy, typography, web technology, and more. At Reendex we see breaking news events as unexpected, momentous or informative events that are relevant to a wide audience.

10. Top 10 Wedding Destinations in the World

Wedding is a ceremony where not only two people but also their families united together. Wedding traditions and customs varies between cultures, religions, social classes, and countries

9. Top 10 Best Reporters

Journalism is not a job for the weak-hearted or the money-seeker and despite that, it is not hard to find courageous and passionate journalists. The basis of journalism as the fourth estate brings an unequivocal responsibility for journalists...

8. Top 10 Best Militaries

The people at Global Firepower ranked the world’s 10 most powerful militaries. They examined the defence forces of 68 countries in order to compile the rankings, taking into account manpower, land systems

6. Top 10 Beautiful Women Politicians.

There are many glamorous women in politics. Who are the Most Beautiful, Dashing, Glamorous Female politicians around the World. This is one of the types of travel where you learn a lot about another culture or get to know the locals.

5. Top 10 Most Beautiful College Campuses In America

Thinking of going to college in American? or you are making your necessary decisions on where to go to college?. We have gathered valuable information on educational, social, cultural and economic aspects of studying in the U.S.

4.Top 10 Most Expensive Useless Things

Why should we help to starving children in poor countries if we can spend half a million dollars to buy a box of chocolates or a mobile phone for 1.3 million? Unfortunately, some rich men think so. Today I represent 10 of the most expensive useless things in the world, which, oddly enough, are popular...

1.Top 10 Greatest Hollywood Actors in the World

As the of the movie releases are confirmed by the H. studios, the 2017 schedule of movies are about to get filled up. The actors on this list are ranked according to their lifetime success