201 Bishop Hall, University, MS


Tag: Tech-Science

Boating in Croatia 7 Sailing days

Boating in Croatia 7 Sailing days around the Croatian Islands on a fully-fledged cruise ship is a wonderful, unique experience.

Mobile and Phones

The electronics company has developed a new smartphone display concept, display is curved at the corners 1.Turn your phone off | 2. Leave tech behind3. Stop checking | 4. Stop checking at night.

That future is fast becoming a reality news

Flying robots patrolled the skies while land-based vehicles with minds of their own trundled along on the ground below and these drones could soon be an indispensable component of our lives. Building skyscrapers using 3D printing technology; transporting cargo across town; crop spraying; or helping find people trapped in buildings.

Best of Chiapas – colonial cities, jungle-clad ruins

The jungle ruins of Palenque are one of Chiapas' most famous sights.

The resignation of the chief

The resignation of the chief is a fresh blow to plans to build first nuclear plant in decades. Current conditions on Earth and in...

The news website offers diversity in information

The news website offers diversity in information including Business, Sport, Culture, Science and Technology. There is also the No Comment section which gives a...

Best News Gadgets

A new interactive dog camera that allows you to communicate and share treats remotely with your pup. Whether you are on the go, in...

More on the Reendex’s International News Broadcast

More on the Reendex’s international news broadcast. Reendex is funded information channel, broadcast in more than 200 countries.