201 Bishop Hall, University, MS


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Asia Continent

The Wolong Nature Reserve in China is attempting to bring the panda population back from the verge of extinction.

Overview of healthcare in Vietnam

The transition of Vietnam to an emerging market economy goes along several changes in habits and income of its population. With increasing spending, modernization of medical practices.

Business clusters incentives

To enhance the development of strategic industries in Thailand’s different regions. With clusters for several sectors, incentives have been planned to promote industries in all areas.

Economy Overview in Indonesia

Indonesia has been one of the fastest growing economies of Southeast Asia for several years. Other positive results in poverty reduction compensate certain negative aspect.

Chinese trade data

China's exports in Dec. returned to growth for the first time in nine months, adding to further signs of stabilisation. Dec. exports rose 11.5pc from a year earlier, the largest percentage rise since February 2015.

Business outlook in Myanmar

With its political opening, Myanmar is also experiencing an economic boom in various business sectors. Though companies face many challenges in areas of workforce skills and infrastructures.

Development of geothermal energy

Where it is available, geothermal power is an almost perfect source of energy: much cleaner than fossil fuel, it is often renewable. Geothermal has greatly benefited the Philippines: limiting dependence on imports of hydrocarbons.

Shopping in Singapore

Often considered to hamper traditional stores, the development of e-commerce can sometimes actually reinforce them. Online and offline commerce grow together in Singapore, pushing shops and malls to provide an enhanced, experience to consumers.