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Does mobility boost scientific careers?

Early scientific careers - Does mobility boost scientific careers? EuroScientst celebrates International Women’s Day 2017 by covering a study giving food for thought on...

That future is fast becoming a reality

Flying robots patrolled the skies while land-based vehicles with minds of their own trundled along on the ground below. But thankfully, these drones could soon be an indispensable component of our lives...

The internet is bigger, isn’t it?

The majority of industrial systems don’t even have the capacity to allow setting a password. I never imagined a nuclear plant’s control system being onlin

Mobile and Phones News

Fling Your Dog a Treat Remotely From Your Smartphone With the Furbo. A new interactive dog camera that allows you to communicate and share. Whether...

Best News Gadgets 2018

Latest Technology news and update online daily on NDTV Gadgets360.com. Get latest news and updates on technology today, reviews and tips on new and...

Entertainment Industry

The media and entertainment industry consists of many different segments under its folds such as television, print, and films

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Take an exciting adventure as it reports captivating developments in science, medicine, technology, and the world around us.

Empowering people – Solutions

The people aims to identify and foster innovative technology that endeavors to solve problems in basic supply around the globe. Take a look at some of the most promising innovations on our Solutions Database below.