201 Bishop Hall, University, MS



1123 POSTS

Manchester United plane gets ‘lost’ in China before farcical press conference

Sports includes all forms of competitive physical activity or games which through casual or organised participation, aim to use, maintain or improve physical ability...

The Manchester United career of Adnan Januzaj

1 hour ago Sports includes all forms of competitive physical activity or games which through casual or organised participation, aim to use, maintain or improve...

Health – Microbiomania

Microbiome research,  is incredibly interesting, important, and play roles in all sorts of aspects of the planet including many aspects of the biology of...

Space – Time capsule galaxy

Astronomers have discovered a galaxy that seems to have stayed relatively unchanged since forming shortly after the big bang. Studying this time capsule will...

Earth – Cheap green energy

Earth – Why cheap green energy could derail the renewable revolution Words such as “cheap,” “affordable,” “bargain” and “budget” are often slapped onto products that...

Life – Synthetic wine

Life – Synthetic wine made without grapes claims is really good as the real? It’s a miracle! Synthetic wine made from water but NO...

A way to strip the colors and and chemicals

There are two different ways to attack a dye, chemically, to remove its color. One is by oxidation, in which electrons are removed, while...

With SkinTrack, your arm is the touchpad

SkinTrack, a research project from Carnegie Mellon University, lets you use your arm as a touch pad for a smart watch. Wearable gadgets like...