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Food ~ Drink


Many people think beer and wine are packed full of sugars, but this is not quite true.
Alcohol itself contains 27kJ per gram (almost seven calories). These calories are metabolised in the liver, well before the nutrients from food we consume is processed.

Food ~ Eat


Despite our favourite fast food being a complete calorie overload, a high fat meal enjoyed only occasionally is nothing to be overly concerned about.
Much more concerning is the emergence of ‘mega meal deals’ from the popular fast food chains, which see us consuming.

Fashion ~ Reviews


By Mona Cruz, Richard Mclaughlin
When read the story about Nicola Thorp being sent home on her first day at P.C., all because she refused to wear high heels for her job as a receptionist.
Anger and annoyance, but not in the way you might think — I’m a man.

Fashion ~ Designers


Alex P. launches range to target the lucrative 16 to 25-year-old fashion retail market.
The thin teenage models who skulked down the runway during Fashion Week’s opening show yesterday.

Fashion ~ Shows


By Mona Cruz, Richard Mclaughlin
IF you work in an office, you probably know who the workplace fashionistas are…
They are the women who always have immaculate make-up, can handle stilettos without looking like a newborn giraffe.

Health ~ Diet


Why the paleo diet isn’t the answer for weight loss.
However, if you’re a part of this food tribe and the scales won’t budge, here are the real reasons why.
Don’t be afraid to have some wholegrain toast with your eggs.

Health ~ Soul


Have a rock solid why.This is the most powerful ingredient in being able to stick to new habits, having a ‘why’ set in bedrock.
Stay focused on all of the resources such as other habits you have successfully adopted, personality strengths such as discipline and creativity, and family support.

Health ~ Mind


Worrying doesn’t solve your problems, it is the problem.
DO YOU worry too much? Do you find yourself worrying excessively about your health, your finances…
Worrying excessively can lead to a host of physical and mental problems…



In the world of recruitment, one thing is well known. The job does not necessarily go to the best or brightest candidate.
Online dating is remarkably similar to applying for a job, in that people express interest in a particular…



Why you’ll probably choose the wrong person to love. IT’S one thing to ask why we break up, Have you ever wondered why it is we fall in love? Strange, isn’t it, that we rarely ask that question…