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Violence at Mexico teachers’ protest


Violence at Mexico teachers’ protest. Violent clashes between police and unionised teachers who were blockading roads and burning vehicles in Mexico.

Business groups press federal parties

Business groups press federal parties to spend. Saying federal investment in transit, pipelines, airports, roads the Canadian.

Brexit could cause economic impact


Brexit could cause economic impact.
Canada’s top diplomat says it is time to take out of the referendum.

Hill still telling internet pirates to pay


Hill still telling internet pirates to pay. Piracy study shows illegal downloaders more likely to pay for films than music.

American Travel Best National Park Cape Royal in Grand Canyon


The heart of North America beats through towering forests, undulating fields, high-plain deserts, pulsating metropolises and offbeat oases.

American Food Rustle

Rustle up famous dishes from American popular culture, from burgers and ribs to soul food. The heart of North America beats through towering forests, undulating fields, high-plain deserts, pulsating metropolises and offbeat oases.

Canada Broken Melting Pot is Alternative Multiculturalism?


The heart of North America beats through towering forests, undulating fields, high-plain deserts, pulsating metropolises and offbeat oases. The heart of North America beats through towering forests, undulating fields, high-plain deserts, pulsating metropolises and offbeat oases.

American Football Get Inspired: How to get into American Football

The heart of North America beats through towering forests, undulating fields, high-plain deserts, pulsating metropolises and offbeat oases.



It’s the coldest, largest desert of the world, but in growing numbers, tourists are making their way to Antarctica.
Warmer air, less-frigid water, and gravity may combine to make parts of Antarctica’s western ice sheet melt far faster than scientists had thought.

American Culture & Social Life


The United States is so varied in its geography, ethnic backgrounds, and traditions.