201 Bishop Hall, University, MS


See our latest stories

written by our lovely staff members

How to make discoveries at the speed of light.

At Alt Green Inc we are committed to helping you cut your fuel costs and becoming a green company. Converting your fleet to propane...

Can the ‘internet of moving things’ end traffic jams?

At Alt Green Inc we are committed to helping you cut your fuel costs and becoming a green company. Converting your fleet to propane...

The tech helping us work together wherever we are

This is the new type of organisation cloud computing is helping to create – amorphous, geographically spread and collaborative.

How online ‘influencers’ are changing the food

Must you had to have  Michelin stars, your own TV show, or have concocted the next big food trend to earn a publishing deal...

That future is fast becoming a reality

Flying robots patrolled the skies while land-based vehicles with minds of their own trundled along on the ground below. But thankfully, these drones could soon be an indispensable component of our lives...