201 Bishop Hall, University, MS


Tag: Reendex TV & Radio

Secret car scene

Talking library shelves instead of roads, there’d be two classics and five bestsellers per foot of shelf space. German convertibles, indefeasible SUVs, and a hodgepodge of sports cars. There’s a wide range of guys from mechanics to those with multimillion-dollar cars.

Side of the Road

California's golden five - The Originators. When it comes to southern California car culture, two sources of inspiration have driven the scene forward for many decades, setting trends throughout the US and around the world. Rare and expensive automobiles have always received a ready welcome in the land of sun, surf and stars.

Urban Mobility

Are walkers smarter than drivers? DO YOU PREFER WALKING OR DRIVING? Your answer may suggest something about your education level, according to a new study. A report published last month says metropolitan areas in the United States that were found to be more pedestrian-friendly, and their citizens were better educated.

Spa Resort

Great hotels unbeatable deal is a television show on the 24h News Travel Channel. The show, hosted by Alex Brown, travels around the world...

The show takes the form of a series of absurd

Happystorm’s new show is part of the InOnTheAct festival which promotes risk-taking work in public spaces

Traditional skills of painting and sculpture

Contemporary art that does not practise the traditional skills of painting and sculpture. Art in which the concept involved in the work that takes...

Mobility in early scientific careers

The UK’s largest mutually-owned business has sold the convenience stores but plans to open 100 larger shops this year. Today’s announcement is completely in...

People have demonstrated against the policies

It could be a story that is simply of wide interest to viewers and has little impact otherwise. Many times, breaking news is used...